African Feminisms

Rights, Representation, Resources

African Feminisms – Rights, Representation, Resources

The project ‘African Feminisms - Rights, Representation, Resources’ is based on the
guidelines of German feminist foreign policy and aims to explore feminisms on the African continent and in Germany.

The guidelines for feminist foreign policy focus on feminism as a global movement. In this approach, feminisms are to be understood as plural and their diversity and different histories are to be recognized.
The "African Feminisms” project follows the triad formulated in the policy’s guidelines, which are:

    • Women*s rights for feminist politics of the future
    • Representation of feminist positions in politics and civil society, and artistic contexts
    • Access to resources for feminist opinion-forming and projects (finance, knowledge, community)

The aim of the project is to apply feminist practices through training programmes and open new perspectives on feminisms through discursive and artistic work, which shall be achieved through the following measures and objectives:

    • Collaborating with civil society organisations for the development of skills training programmes and exchange formats for young women.
    • Promotion of (trans)regional exchange and networking of key actors in the field of feminism and civil society through the organisation of two pan-African symposia on the continent and a final event (symposium) in Germany, which offers opportunities to discuss feminist discourses in sub-Saharan Africa and Europe/Germany.
    • Conveying African feminist perspectives through grants for artistic productions to promote and visualise African feminisms and the creation of feminist futures.
    • Stimulating discursive debate on feminist topics and gender-specific local conditions through impactful public communication and making the project results accessible.

The project follows a participatory approach through working with a nominated diverse Advisory Board, which shall accompany the project throughout its entire duration. The Advisory Board consists of six experts on feminism, equality and women's rights and will advise the project team, consult the civil society organisations and contribute ideas to the planned symposia.

The project is an initiative of the Goethe-Institut project ‘House of African Feminisms’ an supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Advisory Board


Civil Society Organisations

En | FR

Call for Artists

EN | FR | PT

Invitation to Bid

EN | FR | PT
House of African Feminisms (HoAF) is funded by The Goethe-Institut in Sub-Saharan Africa
Copyright  © 2025 House of African Feminisms. All Rights Reserved