
Country: Somalia
Sector: Non profit feminist work
Link to Organisation Page:  Hawa page

Hawa Feminist Coalition is a non-governmental and non-profit feminist organization founded in 2018 by young women and girls all under the age of 35. It was the first feminist-led movement in Somalia committed to promoting the safety, equality, justice, rights, and dignity of young women and girls in Somalia. Hawa Feminist Coalition works to mobilize and connect young women and girls to build strong and visible collective strength that can work towards achieving a country where women and girls are valued as equal beings among members of the community, enjoy all their rights on an equal footing with others, and live in dignity in Somalia.

HAWA is offering a feminist leadership and advocacy training programme for 100 emerging young women leaders, prioritizing those from vulnerable and marginalized backgrounds, such as internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Somalia. This programme aims to provide participants with a strong foundation in feminist leadership principles, advocacy, campaigning, and movement building, enabling them to effectively advocate for gender-equitable laws and policies while combating sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) in their communities.  
House of African Feminisms (HoAF) is funded by The Goethe-Institut in Sub-Saharan Africa
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